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SELUX Survivor 9 Product Video

SELUX Presents the SURVIVOR 9, high impact and harsh enviornment lighting solutions. This video provides an overview of this durable interior product. The video is also available in a high-resolution version in quicktime download or on a DVD disc- please email your request for Survivor® 9 introduction DVD or other information here: marketing@selux.com. Survivor® 9: the vandal, impact, and water-resistant fixture for transport and harsh environments. Tool-less access to lamp and ballast allows for easy installation and maintenance. Survivor® 9 is versatile, unobtrusive fixtures for a wide range of interior and exterior applications including subways, tunnels, university campuses, and other pedestrian high traffic areas.. Survivor® 9 mounting and wiring options designed to simplify installation and maintenance. Precision reflector and prismatic lens systems for optimized output of T5, T5HO, and T8 fluorescent sources. Integral concealed mounting brackets are outside the housing for easy installation and to ensure IP66/67 rating. Hinged lens door provides easy access to lamp, ballast, and maintenance. For more information please visit our website, www.selux.com/usa Produced by Full Focus Productions.

조회수 1996회

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