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LMP90100/LMP91000 Sensor AFE Overview

Chuck discusses National's LMP90100/LMP91000 configurable Sensor AFE products and integrated, easy-to-use hardware and software development system for quick time to market. Products discussed are: LMP90100 -- Multi-Channel 24-bit Sensor AFE Multi-channel Sensor AFE with a 24-bit Sigma Delta ADC core 4 differential or 7 single-ended flexible/programmable Mux routing inputs Continuous background sensor diagnostics reduce downtime and improve system efficiency Ideal for high-precision, multi-sensor temperature sensors, pressure sensors, and load cells Industrial process control, medical, and test & measurement applications LMP91000 -- Micro-Power Chemical & Gas Sensor AFE Single analog design for multiple gases and concentrations Programmable cell bias and TIA gain Integrated temperature sensor for external temp monitoring / correction Ideal for micro-power gas and chemical sensing applications.

조회수 3635회

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